Determining The Best Coral Reef Habitat in Coastal Island of Batam
Indonesia is one of the largest archipelagic country in the world and it located at central triangular of coral reefs (the coral triangle) with high levels of diversity. On the other side the coastal climate and oceanographic conditions of batam suitable for development habitats of coral reefs. This research aims to determine the parameters that determine the living standard of coral reefs by gathering secondary data such as sea current map, bathymetry data and sea temperature while the primary data such as visibility, PH and temperature of sea water at coastal island of Batam. This research using the method of overlay analysis between spatial data and attribute data among parameters. The choice of research location based on the results of zoning secondary data with overlay analysis. The zoning secondary data then would be overlay analysis with primary data obtained from measurements in the field to obtain the best habitat for the development of coral reefs. The result of this research obtained that areas eligible living reefs include sea current velocity less than 0,9cm per second, depth less than 25 meters, sea temperature between 18 o c-36 o c, ph values between 7-9 and visibility of sea more than 5 meters is around the coast of tanjung piayu village with area 4,675 km2.
Key words: Coral Reefs, Habitat, Zoning, Overlay
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